Friday, April 4, 2014

Cookies and Brownies on a 100g a Day Diet

Last month, just two days after I started my diet, I was scheduled to compete in a charity, holdem poker tournament.  Included in the package was an Italian buffet, which would blow my diet before I even had a chance to start.

Having resolved to stick to it, I decided I would partake of only low carb food.  Hoping I would last a while at the poker table, I figured that would not be enough to hold me, so I stopped at a local 7-11 to pick up something healthy, filling, and low enough in carbs to fit my diet.

I headed right to the health-bar section and began checking labels.  Over the years, I have tried most of the bars on the shelf.  While none of them were terrible, none of them had me wanting to come back for more. Tonight, I settled on a Lenny & Larry's Peanut Butter Muscle Brownie, a brand I had never tried.

The packaging had an appealing Ben & Jerry's feel.  It looked like a brownie, rather than something that had been squeezed out of a processing tube and the nutritional labeling seemed great point for my diet.  It weighted in at just under 3 oz. and had only 19g of carbs and it was high in protein, but then I checked the nutritional labeling a second time and realized those figures were for a single serving and each brownie was two servings.

Fortunately, breakfast and lunch were only 50g total and I had 50g for the tournament. Figuring the only item on the buffet that I could have would be salad, I thought the brownie was still within range, even if I ate two servings.  As it turned out I was right on both counts. 

The salad was tasty, but wasn't going hold me for long. About an hour into the tournament, I broke out the brownie.  Hands down, it was the best tasting health food brownie I have ever tasted.  Of course it wasn't Duncan Heinz, but it was still pretty damn tasty.  The brownie had great texture.  It was moist and chewy, but not that stick to your teeth chewy that I've had with some others. There was no artificial taste and if I had a second brownie, I might have fallen off the diet wagon. Fortunately, I didn't have a second brownie, and even if I did, I wouldn't have blown the diet, because about a half an hour later my chips were gone.

I didn't win the tournament, but I was a winner none-the-less with my discovery of Lenny and Larry's line of products.

Over the next few weeks, I'm going to be reviewing more of their line.  So if you have a sweet tooth like me, you might want to check back regularly.

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